
Monday, January 18, 2010

Not my first, first blog... back then or now?!

I have so much rattling around in my brain at any given time, it's a wonder I get anything done! LOL. I have been diagnosed with A.D.D. I think we all have a form of A.D.D. to be honest. It's called modern life!

In the past I would read a historic romance novel (yes the "those" kind, I totally love them from time to time and my husband win LMAO!) Anyway, I would think, "how glamorous and beautiful life must have been" or "Oh if I could just be...(insert a lady in waiting for Queen Elizabeth I or an antebellum Southern Belle)" I have since read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon and also Through the Glass Darkly by Karleen Koen (I am currently reading the sequel Now Face to Face). These books have since doused my girlish fantasies with ice cold reality. They are, as far as I can guess, historically accurate (well minus the time travel in the Outlander Series, but then again anything is possible...).

While we are very over worked and put ridiculous pressures on ourselves and other Mothers like us, we are lazy compared to most women in history. I have to say here that MOST women in history were NOT Duchesses, Princesses or wealthy Heiresses! They had hard, brutal lives. They were treated as half human, the property of men. There were a few exceptions to the rule, but for the most part that was the norm. I have to tell you, I have fantasized about a huge house, a maid, a chef, a beautiful bronzed pool boy with an exotic name like
Demetrius or Antonio. LOL. (For the record my husband is aware of my pool boy fantasies! LOL) This is again not the norm, but back to the point. Women in history had to wash clothes in a tub with lye soap and hang it out to dry on lines, bushes or anything they had handy. Can you imagine how bad your hands would hurt after washing clothes like that?! Chapped and dry, as they didn't have lotion in a pump bottle or rubber gloves. I throw my (insane number of children's) clothes in a machine that has 100 cycles to choose from. Then take them out clean with no effort what so ever from me and throw them into another machine with another 100 cycles to choose from and I complain because I have to fold them and put them away LOL! Can you imagine what the women of history would say to me?! "Woman, what is thy problem, you have this magical contraption that washes and dries your clothes and yet you whine like a child". Yep that's about it! LOL. I have a machine for just about everything, washing dishes, super fast cooking, keeping food cold or frozen, keeping food hot, a box that entertains me, a contraption to talk on, to communicate on and get information in a split second on! All they had was their sweat, their muscle and primitive tools. I guess by their standards they were cutting edge LOL! :)

The point you may be asking after my round about rambling... MY LIFE ROCKS!! I have a great family who hopefully will live a long and healthy life (do to or in spite of modern medicine), equality, the right to vote, own land, divorce (not that I want to, just sayin')... You get the idea. We are so blessed to live now. We as women live in a fantastic time and place (if you live in a westernized and modern country).

We torture ourselves over "being perfect". That is a rant for another blog... but let me say this. We are our own worst enemies. We worry about stupid things like, "I can't buy cupcakes for the class birthday party, all the other mothers would judge me" or "If I don't do... I am a failure".

The only failure in my eyes (you don't have to agree with me, I can take it. LOL) is judging yourself to harshly for not being perfect. A perfect woman has NEVER existed, EVER! We are human full of oddities, imperfections and vices. At the end of the day all that matters is that you did your best and that you loved well. That's it! That's all!

I say pick three things everyday off your mile long to do list and start there. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither are our lives.
My Facebook status today was... "
Today was not singularly spectacular, rather many great moments strung together, resulting in a peaceful and lovely day" That is life my friends, a series of events strung together to make the necklace of your life! :) (I make jewelry so I love this analogy! LOL).

One more GOAL I'd like to share...

My husband had a friend die (who was older and they worked together for a few years)a little over a week ago. On Saturday he went to the funeral. It shook him up and he's made changes in his life (that I am very happy about and I hope he keeps them up!). I have heard before that you should write what you would like said as your Eulogy and live backwards!
That's the goal. Write your Eulogy! What do you want people to say about you?

Here is the beginning of mine,

"Amy loved deeply and was very loved in return. She had a smile for everyone. She was a person who helped us to see the good in life and appreciate all that life is! She was a beautiful person inside and out..."

If you have read all this I thank you and I hope you come back. I forgot how much I love blogging! I have so many random thoughts you never know what you are going to get LOL! I will always try to help, be inspirational and positive, mostly because that's who I am! :)

Have a beautiful, creative and inspired day!


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