
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Are you kidding me??

So this "reader" who wrote in, is either completely stupid, or just a spoiled brat!! I am an only child and these thoughts would never cross my mind pre-kids... However, I had kids before most of my friends! I had my oldest at 23, which in the suburb I grew up in, is very young.

What I think the writer who was answering this letter left out (to be kind) is, that play dates are our way of connecting with friends. It gives us the much needed "adult" interaction that we all must have to stay sane!! When you have friends who don't have kids, you have less in common. Life changes so much that really I wonder "what the heck did we do before kids?". My husband and I were married for three and a half years before our oldest was born, we both worked full time and seemed to be busy... but really we just did what ever we wanted.  She (the Mommy friend) probably doesn't have anything in common with a self centered brat, who compares her life to her mommy friends and writes in to newspapers bashing her!! That's just my thought on it... I could be wrong, but I doubt it LOL!
The thing that the writer forgot as well is, a lot of men work long hours and/or weekends (or are gone longer...) We have many days or weeks etc... that we are single moms, trying to get everything done for multiple children. Keeping them from killing each other and trashing the house is a full time job in itself, let alone feeding, playdates, library trips etc....

On another note....

I think that's the biggest change between being childless and Mom (or Dad)... Not doing what I want! I find myself feeling guilty for getting lost in something I love to do. To be honest though, I am so tired by the time we get the crazy munchkins to bed, that all I want to do is read or watch something! If I can get the kids to watch TV for a while so I can do something I want, I think I deserve it (but still feel guilty about it).

Days that we have play dates seems to go very quickly and are usually very pleasant, I don't get a lot done besides that though and spend the next day cleaning and dealing with whiny, bored kids (those are the LOOOOOOOOOOOONG days!)

Don't get me wrong. I love my kids. I would do anything for them, except lose myself. I still have my own interests and won't sacrifice me, because that wouldn't be good for anyone! A happy mommy means a happy family!! If you don't have children you don't understand how mind numbing it is to keep on your kids to clean their room, do their chores... Don't get me started on potty training, breast feeding and keeping up with the house!! We love our kids and our friends, but sometimes your single or childless friends can't understand and won't until they have kids of their own. Then they will feel more than a little stupid for ever accusing the rest of us of "relaxing and enjoying".

My two last thoughts....

Easiest part of being mom... Childbirth!
They are all adorable and sweet... when they are sleeping!

These are just my personal views. Take them or leave them, just don't judge until you've lived it yourself! We all have problems and stresses, they may not seem equal on paper but that doesn't mean they aren't equally intense!!

Have a beautiful creative and inspired day!!  Thanks for reading!