
Saturday, May 1, 2010

How Gratitude has changed me... again!

It has been four years since I watched "The Secret" for the first time.   Over the years I have read many books related to gratitude and the power of positive thought and energy.  I know to some it sounds ridiculous, a little to "New Age".  There is nothing new about it!

Native Americans, Buddhists, Ancient Europeans and many more have been practicing gratitude and giving back for thousands of years.  They have/had a connection with the Earth and life that seems to have been almost lost in these modern times.

My life has changed so much since I started doing daily gratitude, positive thoughts, goals, meditating (which I'm not fabulous at yet, but I'm trying!!).  I am not going to tell you I am magically calm because of these things, I'm not!  I am happier and more centered.  I'm even more of an optimist.  My anxiety has almost completely disappeared.   I need to interject I had anxiety so bad after my second child I would lose sleep imaging all the horrible things that could happen to my children.  It was awful!!!

I fell out of the gratitude every day habit.  I have restarted and it's been 17 days.  I am feeling better, I'm happier, I'm more motivated and more inspired.  It sounds so simple, how could that change me so much?  It's easy, your mind and thoughts are very powerful.  Once you train your brain to really be grateful and appreciate all the gifts, goodness and love in your life,  your outlook changes, which attract more gifts, goodness and love!!

I am not saying anxiety doesn't sneak in once in a while it does, but I know how to distract myself and focus on the good!

I know that you won't fully understand this until you try it for yourself.  So I am asking you do the following:

21 days of gratitude written down (or typed) 
2-5 minutes of positive thoughts in the morning.  I do this in the shower.  I repeat "Today will be a great day" eighteen times.  Then I pick one thing that I really need or want to get done that day and repeat " I will finish...." or "I will do...." or " Today... will happen!"

These are free, relatively easy and will start to make you feel better almost instantly!!  

Good luck and let me know how it goes!!  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!!

Have a beautiful, creative and inspired day!

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