
Saturday, August 20, 2011

True Blue Casual.

True Blue Casual.

Drape front cardigan
$36 -

Oasis low rise jeans
£48 -

Lace trim camisole
$11 -

Nine West flat shoes
$69 -

Tote handbag
$46 -

Gold jewelry
$52 -

Cuteberry chain jewelry
$15 -

True Blue Casual.

True Blue Casual.

DAY Birger et Mikkelsen suede jacket
£319 -

Oasis low rise jeans
£48 -

Lace trim camisole
$11 -

Gold jewelry
$52 -

Cuteberry chain jewelry
$15 -

True Blue Casual.

True Blue Casual.

DAY Birger et Mikkelsen suede jacket
£319 -

Oasis low rise jeans
£48 -

Old Navy v neck camisole
$10 -

Gold jewelry
$52 -

Blue bracelet
$25 -

Mixit metal bangle
$8.99 -

BB Dakota dot jewelry
$12 -

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Parenthood Trauma"

Yesterday I coined "Parenthood Trauma" to explain how I was feeling about being Mom. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, they are good kids, but WOW are they annoying!
(Whining has got to be the single most annoying, earsplitting noise on the planet. That could just be me, but I really doubt it. My nine year old whines, my three year old whines, surprisingly, my seven year old "drama queen" whines the least, she screeches! LOL.)

Parenthood Trauma is the opposite of childhood trauma. The kids are fine and think they are doing everything right! It's the parents who are being abused, neglected, tortured (with whining and screeching), etc... I am not making light of real childhood trauma, God knows, I've had enough of my own. I am just thinking, why do kids get to claim we damaged their lives, when they make ours soooo difficult sometimes?! That doesn't seem fair.

So in a fun and (mostly) joking way, I am making fun of the kids and ourselves! Life is too short to take it seriously all the time!! Laugh at ourselves and especially our children LOL!! Claim "Parenthood Trauma" go on strike for a night and let the kids deal on their own!

Have a happy, creative and inspired day!


Monday, January 31, 2011

Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust

We all need a coping strategy to deal with the stresses that come up in life. My stress now is money, as it is for most of us. It is getting better, I see it, I feel it, I know it.

I used to be pretty high strung when it came to certain things. I still have a high sense of urgency (according to the DISC assesment I took). To me a high sense of urgency comes from bring a wife and mother. I run the house, pay the bills, teach the kids, for a while I was very busy with my own business too.

It can be very overwhelming trying to get it all done. I read once men live longer happier lives if they were married. LOL Well that is a no brainer to me! I adore my husband, he is a really great guy, but sometimes I feel like I do more for the kids, him, etc...

We are naturally amped to try to make life for those around us comfortable, happy and nice. When we add bills, doctors visits, birthday parties, oil changes, laundry, dishes and meals just for starters it is no wonder we are frazzled. Add in stress about loss of income or mounting bills and it is a perfect storm for a break down.

I was on the verge of a break down last week. I am pretty tough. I bitch some times, but I power through hard times. I yell, but I don't cry often. I am loving and kind, but I don't take BS either. So last week was a real doozy! It almost had me begging for mercy and then it all got so much better.

Here are a few of my tips and tricks. It is work and it isn't a cure all, but I went from a worn out stress case last week, to having a really great day today and I know more are on the way!

1. Get rid of junk. Junk is stressful. I know you may need some of it in the future or you think you will, but be honest, will you be able to find it? Is your sanity worth the $5, $10 or $15 it would cost to replace it if you did need it? My seven year old shocked the hell out of me yesterday. She donated ALL of her Polly Pockets, half her barbies and random other stuff Garbage bags full. She only kept her favorite toys, her American Girl dolls, her Petshops, her favorite stuffed toys, her Faery collection and her books. She doesn't even miss them and she earned money to buy paint to redo her room.
Once we see past the junk to what we could do, it makes the donating or letting go easier!
2. Focus on the good and more good will come. Be grateful and repeat to yourself what you are grateful for.
3. What gets me through stressful days? Three words..."Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust! Just let it go and have Faith, Trust it will all work out and believe in magic!
4. Be kind to yourself, physically and mentally. You are your own worst enemy or best friend.

I hope you find this helpful.

Have a beautiful, creative and inspired day!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Perfection is another word for @$$hole!

Am I the only one who's tired of "rules" that make no sense... in fact they aren't really rules. More like society's pressures. Is it TV? Is it movies? Is it other Moms and women pretending to be perfect?

I admit it I used to try to convince everyone I was perfect. It was the first time I had ever stayed home. I had a two year old and a newborn. I joined a Moms group (which I later got kicked out of LOL! That is another story, just know I am a good person, but I don't take crap). I felt this over whelming pressure to have a perfect home, perfectly hair, perfectly dressed children (with girls their hair had to be perfect too). I had to pretend I had it all together. Well I suck at lying. I failed at it. I scrubbed the floor by hand, cleaned for hours every day, for a while. I couldn't keep it up. Don't get me wrong, I clean, I pick up, I do laundry (which I hate), but it's not perfect. My kids (I now have three, which sent me over the edge, but that is for another blog) have messy rooms! Gasp! I clean them with or for them every few months. I'm afraid bugs or mice will be lurking in there if I don't LOL!

My grandmother always tells me neat freaks are the most boring people ever! "No one wants to hear about how clean your house is." So true! Most of us are trying to live life, raise kids, pay bills, work, teach, sleep... LOL. Something has got to give. I get a certain kind of satisfaction that when I go somewhere and it's not spotless! I love that. Honestly! It means they are human too!! Our homes are here to serve us! We need a certain level of cleanliness to survive, but I can't eat off my floors, I have dogs, they do that!! LOL!! Three kids, three dogs and three bunnies (bunnies live in the classroom)... Yep I think my house is pretty damn clean considering. Not to mention I homeschool (again another blog).

Here is my bottom line. If we are friends, I DON'T CARE if your house is messy. I don't want to hang out with a hoarders nominee, but I don't care if your house isn't perfect! Enjoy your life, your family and your home. Don't let the pressure of having a perfect home steal your joy. Most people don't have a perfect home (I know this because my hubby works in peoples homes almost daily!)

Live the way YOU want, not the way you think you should!!

Have a beautiful, creative and inspired day!

Monday, January 24, 2011

The world as I know it...

What do I know?

Such a laoded question. I know that what I do know, is nothing compared to what I don't know. I know that there must be a driving force in the universe and that when you embrace it (however that may be, I'm not judging, because lord knows, I'm not conventional) you find an inner peace. A peace that lets you know that even though it may be really hard right now, you'll make it through. That you can attain any dream if you work toward it every day. That life is prescious and it is not about what you have, but who you have in your life that count. That focusing on the good will bring more good and focusing on the bad will drive you mad! That children are the greatest gift and the truest test of your sanity! That real friends love you no matter what you have, what you look like or who you know. Real friends call you and say "want me to have his knees whacked?" LMAO (she's Italian). Real friends encourage you to do what you love, not tear you down. That good husbands are worth their weight in gold, even if I have to put up with goosing and a booby grab on his way by LOL! No matter how hard it gets we are in this together. And finally, let the past go. That doesn't mean forget, it means forgive and keep the good!

Life isn't perfect, but in my world it's damn good!!

Have a beautiful, creative and inspired day!!